
The Ontario government is investing $3.6-million over three years into a program being designed and developed by the six northern colleges, including Canadore.  The Northern Colleges Collaborative Programming Project is all about expanding access to in-demand programs and improving student access.

It involves 8 subject areas, including business, hospitality, media arts, health, community services, technology, trades and aviation.

The colleges, meantime, are investing $1.2-million over three years into the program.

In a release, Canadore President George Burton says “Our six northern colleges serve vast geographical areas and must respond to regional education and training needs. We have some very unique challenges in comparison to the rest of the province, but they are common among us.”

He goes on to say, “The program collaboration allows us to draw upon our own areas of expertise and pool resources in order to improve access to a quality college education for northerners and their families.”