Chad the ShadFrom Summer In the Park wristband sales, a cupcake fundraiser, Robomania at Northgate Shopping Centre, ball hockey on Main Street, a trade show in East Ferris, fundraisers and the Heritage Gardeners holding a volunteer recruitment event, there’s no shortage of activities and events for everyone this week.

Time is running out for the advanced price for Summer In The Park wristbands.

They’re $25, plus HST until May 31st.  Officials will be selling the wristbands from 7am to 9am at the Tim Hortons on Pinewood Park Drive. The price goes up to $35, plus HST on June 1st.

Concerts include Autumn Hill, Michelle Wright, Johnny Reid, Alan Frew and Burton Cummings.


cupcakesA local fundraiser is taking place in the parking lot of our radio station today (Friday).

The Cupcakes for Cystic Fibrosis event runs from 10am to 1pm, with the sale of decadent cupcakes created by local vendors and volunteers.

All proceeds will be donated to the Great Strides Walk for Cystic Fibrosis supporting research and treatment for those affected by this fatal disease.


PHELIX Team 1305 NNSRIRobomania is back at Northgate Shopping Centre for a 6th year.

FIRST Team 1305 is showcasing four tiers of competitive varsity robotics from 4pm to 9pm tonight (Friday) and 930 am to 6 pm tomorrow (Saturday).

Children ages 5-18 are encouraged to come out and experience how robotics students use everyday learning, creativitity and cooperation to not only build robots, but to also build leadership skills and friendships.

There will be hands-on LEGO robotics, a robot driving challenge, giveaways, custom button making and much more over the two days.

Their garage of 100-plus pound robots will be on display with the teams promotional robot making an appearance too.

The event takes place in Centre Court at the mall.


An art opening goes tonight (Friday) at 7pm at the White Water Gallery involving BRAVO, a group of French Visual Artists.

Their annual general assembly is taking place all weekend long with delegates and directors from across the province bringing art to be viewed.

Tonight’s opening goes at 7pm, again at the White Water Gallery.


YMCA Strong Kids LogoThe YMCA Strong Kids Campaign is benefiting from the YMCA-Powassan Voodoos Ball Hockey Classic.

The inaugural event features 25 teams competing across adult, teen and youth divisions.

The tournament is being played on Main Street in front of our radio station tomorrow (Saturday).

Last year, the YMCA raised $135,000 to support Strong Kids, providing financial assistance to more than 1,900 children and families in North Bay and area.


East Ferris is hosting a community trade show tomorrow (Saturday) featuring businesses from around the region.

Officials say it’s a diverse and engaging trade show, with family-focused activities — like magic shows, archery demonstrations, inflatable bouncers and much more.

There’s also a pancake breakfast and food vendors too.

The event runs from 9 am to 4 pm at the East Ferris Community Centre.


gardenersIf you enjoy stopping to smell the roses, here’s a chance to help them grow.

The Heritage Gardeners are holding a volunteer recruitment session tomorrow morning (Saturday) near the marina building from 10 am to noon.

Officials point out gardening can enhance physical, mental and spiritual well-being while contributing to the community and keeping it beautiful.

They also say it’s a great opportunity to teach children about gardening too.


A fundraising event is taking place tomorrow night (Saturday) to help out a local family who lost their home to fire in late April in Redbridge.

The fundraising dance is being held at the Vet’s Club on Allen Road at 8 pm. Trevor Holliday says they’re thankful for everyone who has helped them so far, pointing out they’re into a new apartment, but still owe $7,000 on the home that was destroyed.


ms walkNorth Bay is one of nine communities across the province holding MS Walk events on Sunday.

The family oriented, community-supported event raises funds in support of ending MS. Nearly 200 people are ready to walk locally on Sunday — check in time at the waterfront Sunday starts at 9am with the event starting at 11am.

16,000 people in 57 communities in Ontario are taking part in MS Walks this year.


And a bottle drive is being held on Sunday to raise funds to purchase hearing aids for a local baby.

Daphne was born with severe hearing loss and will need to wear the hearing aids for the rest of her life.

Check out the Daphne’s Ears Bottle Drive page on Facebook for details on getting involved.