Aspin and Nicholson

Canada’s foreign affairs minister Rob Nicholson was in attendance for a forum for people involved with international businesses. The main goal for the forum was to discuss ideas and suggestions to make international business more successful. Nicholson says one of the topics discussed was American travel. He says he found it very interesting to hear that most people in attendance want to make sure Americans are able to visit here.

Nicholson says the forum also discussed the availability of NEXUS cards, and speeding up international government initiatives.

He says they also discussed lower taxes for individuals wanting to start a small or large business in Canada.

Nipissing/Timiskaming MP Jay Aspin was also in attendance and he says these forums are useful because people in our communities get to express concerns to key members of our government.

Both men commented on the resignation of Federal Justice Minister Peter MacKay, with Aspin saying that he is “grateful of his contribution to the country and to have met him”, and Nicholson remarking that MacKay “has served this country with distinction