Leadership Conference visit to NBRHC 011On Monday we told you how the Governor General’s Canadian Leadership Conference was in North Bay, looking at innovation and leadership.

One of their stops included the North Bay Regional Health Centre.

That’s where officials with the hospital shared their More Time to Care quality improvement management system successes.

More Time to Care is a continuous improvement system that empowers people at all levels to optimize their work processes to free up time for care, and partner with patients to improve patient experience.

Officials say an example of a hospital-wide success under this system is the introduction of scorecards.

All the departments now measure their work to help them keep track of how well they are doing and improve the care provided to the patient.

The scorecard includes measurements specific to each department and lists key projects they are working on.

The scorecards are also visible to patients and their families.

Once a week staff gather in a “huddle” for 15 minutes at the scorecard to review their work, share ideas on how to improve, and celebrate their successes.