TweedsmuirResidents of the West Ferris Area came out last night (Fri) to give their ideas about what commercial business should replace the building that housed Tweedsmuir Public School.

Christian Fortin is the developer and he hosted the open house to get to know the residents and to gather ideas from the community.

Ideas that came up in the evening included a fitness centre, a day care, or a senior’s centre.

Betty Thompson lives in the area and she says she likes that the community is getting a say about what’s going in the building and would like to see a bank.

Fortin says it’s a good re-purposing building and he loves the neighbourhood.

He says it’s important that they get to know each other saying it’s important that the people of West Ferris know what’s going on.

If you missed the chance to be a part of the Open House, Fortin says you can call 472-0000 to let him know what service could go in.