North Bay Police logoNorth Bay Police were one of 21 police services recently involved in Operation Northern Spotlight, which focused on human trafficking.

Toronto Police say officials pre-arranged to meet with people suspected of taking part in the sex trade, potentially against their will across Ontario.

During the course of the two day operation last week, two people were charged with 41 offences.

Meantime, police were able to ensure the safety of six females who were working in the sex trade as a minor or against their will. They range in age from 14 to 19 years old.

There’s no word on where they’re located.

Toronto Police Inspector Joanna Beaven-Desjardins says the operation is about offering assistance to these victims.

Meantime, she says they want people to know human trafficking isn’t just happening elsewhere.

Toronto Police say one man identified by a girl in Durham is already wanted on a Canada-Wide Warrant for human trafficking charges in relation to a previous, national human trafficking operation.

He’s identified as 19 year old Levi Alexander (pictured below). He’s believed to be in the Toronto area.

Levi Alexander, 19, wanted for Human Trafficking offences
Levi Alexander, 19, wanted for Human Trafficking offences