Police (north bay)Now that the school year is over, there’s more time for kids to spend time playing outdoors.  And North Bay Police Corporate Communications Coordinator Marie Lugli says motorists are reminded to slow down in areas where children are playing and to watch out for children who may not be aware of the dangers of playing on the road.   When it comes to cycling, police says it’s the law for anyone under 18 to be wearing an approved helmet when on their bike. 

Parents or guardians can also be fined 80-dollars if a child under 16 isn’t wearing a proper helmet. 

In terms of rules for bicycles, police say stay off sidewalks, signal for all lane changes and stop at all stop signs and red lights. 

They also say use a white front light and red rear light or reflector when bicycling at night, while a bell or horn on the bike is mandatory.