Jay-AspinThere will be many Canada Day celebrations around the country on Wednesday as Canada turns 148 years young.

To that end, the feds are helping out several area communities including North Bay by helping fund their Canada Day celebrations.

MP Jay Aspin says $30,000 in all is going to the communities in his riding.  The other communities are Mattawa, Callander, Powassan, Latchford and Temegami.  North Bay’s share is 65 Hundred Dollars.

As well, there will reaffirmation ceremonies in several communities including North Bay where Canadians can renew their citizenship oaths.

Aspin says the North Bay ceremony will be at the Kiwanis Bandshell on the Waterfront at 11 am.

He says Canada is a beacon of freedom and democracy. He says Canada Day is a great day for new Canadians and long time Canadians.

Aspin also announced $30,000 for the Canadian Ecology Centre and that money will be spent on youth employment and training, specifically a youth intern.

He says the money will help the centre with their Science and Technology programs. Aspin says it will help a young person gets some work experience too.