canadaday280x160Canada is 148 years old today and the City of North Bay has a number of activities planned. Registration for the Canada Day Road Race starts at 8:30 at the A.C.T. shelter, as well as the “Fakes and Forgeries” exhibit at Discover North Bay from 10am to 2pm, and it’s free admission.

Also at 10am there’s cricket coaching followed by a Cricket Game at Amelia Field at 1pm.

The Canadian Citizenship Reaffirmation Ceremony goes at 11am at the waterfront with the singing of Oh Canada and cake cutting at noon followed by a multicultural showcase.

The afternoon includes the Canada Day Kid Zone with sporting activities for children, there’s the mini-train and carousel and food vendors too.

At night there’s musical entertainment followed by the fireworks at 10pm.

Meantime, Mattawa is celebrating Canada’s birthday — starting at 2 o’clock this afternoon at Explorer’s Point.

There’s pony rides, sand building station, best dressed Canadian competition, clowns, family games, a fitness zone, all day barbecue, free Canada Day cupcakes and more.

There’s also live entertainment, magic and a children’s talent show too. The celebration wraps up with a fireworks show overlooking the Ottawa River.