north-bay-and-district-humane-societyNow that we are into July there may be some uncomfortable hot days in our future for humans and animals alike.

The Executive Director of the North Bay and District Humane Society is Daryl Vaillancourt.

His basic advice is if it is too hot for you it’s likely the same for your dog or cat. Vaillancourt says keep your pet in the shade and hydrated with plenty of cool water.

He says a dog or cats paws can be damaged if they’re constantly walking on hot pavement so watch for that.

As for walking your dog he’s not against it on hot days but beware of signs that the animal is getting uncomfortable like panting for example.

He says dogs and cats don’t sweat which means they don’t cool off and are a little more susceptible to heat than we are.

Vaillancourt says  says some dog breeds are suspectible to sun burn too so ensure your pet is kept out of the direct sun for long periods of time.