North Bay Police logoNorth Bay Police responded to 233 calls for service on the weekend with 12 people charged with a variety of offences.

They include mischief under $5,000, domestic assault, theft under $5,000, public intoxication, various breach counts, possession of marijuana and possession of an edged weapon for a dangerous purpose.

Meantime, a 35 year old city man has been charged with sexual assault, assault and unlawfully being in a dwelling.

Police report on Thursday night a female teenager visited a man, known to her, at his workplace where it’s alleged he sexually and physically assaulted her.

It’s further alleged after she left on foot, a man biked to her residence and went inside.

When the victim arrived she needed to wake up her parents to help get the man out.

The suspect’s name is not being released as it may lead to the identity of the victim.