NE LHINThe Northeast LHIN or Local Health Integration Network is in the middle of its 4th strategic health care plan.

The Director of Community Engagement is Cynthia Stables.

She says their current plan covers the period from 2013 to next year and they are still taking feedback for the future.

Stables says they want to know what people need to improve their health care experience be it home care, primary care or mental health services.

She says some of the concerns are getting increased access to care, better coordination of care they receive and better attention to the sustainability of the health care system.

Stables says if you want to know more go to or send an e mail at or you can call them.

She says the plan will be released next February.

Stables says the results of the plan are very important as they include the priorities of the LHIN over the next 3 years.  She says the next plan will be from April 1st of next year to April 1st of 2019.