Mike Anthony The Energy East Pipeline Proposal was a hot topic on Council Capsule this morning.

Councillor Mike Anthony joined Matthew Sookram this morning, and Anthony says there is no reason TransCanada has to run their pipeline through Delaney Bay.

The proposal would see an existing natural gas pipeline converted to a crude oil line.

Anthony added the Ministry of Environment has previously stated there is a threat to the drinking water, should this proposal be approved.

Meantime, Anthony says the city has outstripped the residents ability to pay when it comes to taxes. Anthony sits on the Long-Term Financial Special Review Committee – and he says they are working hard to make changes.

Anthony says he feels they need to scrap the current plan which includes yearly increases.

Linking the downtown to the waterfront, and revitalizing King’s landing; those are two potential major projects sitting with City Council and Anthony also talked about both this morning on Council Capsule.

He says regardless of what comes forward, they should be careful about where and what they spend.

Anthony says he doesn’t want to rule out anything to link the downtown core to the waterfront, but again would like to be cautious in proceeding with dollars spent on that type of project.

As well, Anthony was asked about the province’s plan to spend $11-billion on infrastructure – and the potential of some money coming to North Bay. He says one thing he would like to see is more money spent towards the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund.

Anthony says cities such as Sudbury and the Soo are continually getting more money in that fund.

Here is the full Council Capsule recap