solar panels North Bay could be home to one of the largest solar farm in the province.

Chair of Engineering and Works Tanya Vrebosch says council is supporting the proposal of a developer to build a solar farm in the four mile lake road area.

Vrebosch says there will be 140 of these farms in the province, and this proposal would cover 375 acres of land.

She says there are two sides to this discussion.

She says there could be a lot of benefits including job creation and potential compensations for the city, but there is also the principal of paying for the global adjustment fee, while supporting a project that incurs that fee.

Vrebosch says the developer will have to present to the province – with a decision to come in December. If everything is approved, the solar farm would not be completed until 2018.

There will be a public information session on the proposal Wednesday night at 5pm at the Caldwell Ellam Community Centre on Carruthers Street in North Bay.