Police (north bay)North Bay Police say they charged nine people on the weekend for various offenses including being unlawfully at large, theft under 5 Thousand Dollars, assault causing bodily harm, driving while impaired, public intoxication,possession of property obtained by crime and fraud under 5 thousand dollars.  Police say they responded to 223 calls overall. City Police are investigating a theft from an ATM machine last Thursday. 

Police say the machine is located inside a bank on Main Street. 

A male told police he used the machine to withdraw funds but didn’t remove the cash. 

When the male returned to the machine the money was gone. 

Anyone with information call police and ask for Constable Kavanagh or you can call Near North Crimestoppers.

North Bay Police are also requesting anyone who may have video of the occurence to contact them.

Meantime, North Bay Police have charged a 24 year old with several offenses including possession of property obtained by crime and  fraud under 5 Thousand Dollars. 

The charges relate to a bicycle that was stolen in June. 

The owner contacted police after seeing that his bike was up for sale at a local store.

The bike was returned to the local teen.

And a 36 year old city man has been charged with assault causing bodily harm. 

Police say a verbal dispute between 2 men at a motel bar off Algonquin Avenue turned violent when one man assaulted the other. 

They both fell to the ground and eventually people intervened and the fight was broken up. 

Charged is Daniel Joseph Gravelle.