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A unique road ride:  Shred the Shed is coming to the area next month.

Rod Bilz is with the Cycling Advocates of Nipissing.  He says they’ve partnered up with Discovery Routes and the ride they’ve planned will focus on a historical part of the region: the Lavase Portages.

He says this isn’t a race it’s a ride so people can leisurely enjoy the ride. Bilz says the idea is to commemorate the portages. He says the 80k route is more challenging and the 33k route is more scenic.

He says 400 years ago, explorer Samuel De Champlain was in the area and they’re commemorating that the cycling routes today can cross at the portages as Champlain by canoe. For more information go to and look for the shred the shed link.

The date for Shred the Shed is September 12th.  He says the routes will take in North Bay, East Ferris and Callander.