Waterfront Beach 4 The waterfront beach area could become accessible for everyone.

Deputy Mayor Sheldon Forgette says they have asked city staff to look at into the logistics of a pad which would allow for wheelchair and other disability access to get to the sand and water portion of the beach.

Forgette says he saw firsthand how difficult it can be for someone with a disability to get to the water.

He says he was attending a community event at the beach where they were raising funds for people with disability issues. He says those in wheelchairs or on crutches had a hard time maneuvering on the sand and close to the water area.

Waterfront Beach


Forgette says when this idea was brought to his attention by a resident; he thought it would be a no brainer for North Bay.

Forgette says it could cost at the most $15,000 and he says they are hoping to get a report back in the New Year.