voteIf you’re following the federal election campaign, you may want to circle Tuesday September 29th on your calendar.

That’s the night of the traditional Chamber Meet the Candidates event at the Capitol Centre.

The event starts with a chance to meet the candidates one on one from 6pm to about 6:45, with the question and answer session at 7pm.

President Jake Lacourse says they’re looking for questions from their membership.

He says, “There’s a lot of key issues in the federal election that are near and dear to our membership, and that’s why we reached out to our membership to provide us with some questions, in order to get those relevant issues out.”

There won’t be any questions from the floor, but the Chamber says written questions can be submitted at the September 29th event, before 7pm, and if time permits they may be asked of the candidates.

The evening will wrap up with final statements from the candidates.