Great War Exhibit 1 Men and Women from North Bay played a big part in Canada’s military efforts during the First World War, and the commemorate that the Discovery North Bay Museum has opened their new exhibit on the Great War.

Director/Curator Naomi Rupke says the exhibit showcases a local tie-in to the Great War.

She says they wanted to take this time to commemorate and celebrate the service of local community members from 100 years ago.

The exhibit displays actual artifacts, letters, diaries and more that men and women from North Bay used when they were overseas.

Great War Exhibit 3

Judy Elston put helped put together part of the exhibit, which has a display dedicated to her grandfather who was a blacksmith during the war.

She says her grandfather was at all the major battlefields and when he returned he opened a blacksmith shop where Greco’s Pizza now stands. You can see and hear more stories at the Discovery North Bay Museum, with the exhibit running until December.

Great War Exhibit 2