voteThe federal election campaign was front and centre in North Bay last week with Conservative leader Stephen Harper here.

Paul Wells of Maclean’s Magazine took in the news conference after a tax break incentive announcement for mineral exploration was made by Harper.

He was asked to assess the campaign.

Wells says it’s a tight race across the country including Ontario.

He also says Ontario is important because it has more seats up for grabs, 121 . And he says that’s more than Quebec and BC combined.

Wells points out there are lots of three way races in Ontario.  

Meantime, he was asked if the public is engaged in the campaign.  Wells says it’s a bit of a myth that people aren’t tuned in during the summer and at Christmas.

He says if something is happening, the public is interested.

He also says the North Bay event was a little unusual in that Harper got to answer questions he wants to answer, including questions on the economy and international issues.

Wells says previously Harper was asked questions about the Duffy trial, something that wasn’t as as comfortable for him.