United Way newser2 years ago, the fairly new Nipissing District United Way announced a lofty fundraising target.

They said they planned to raise 400 Thousand Dollars in 3 years.

In the first two years of the campaign they are almost three quarters of the way there.

Dr Catherine Whiting is the campaign cabinet chair.

She says they’ve raised 295 Thousand Dollars so far which leaves them 105 Thousand to go.

She says knowing the community locally the goal will be achieved and in fact  they will blow it out of the water.

Dr Whiting says the money they raise goes to all sorts of initiatives including the local PADDLE program, Low Income People Involvement and the Elizabeth Fry Society.

She says money gets raised through individual work place initiatives, corporate donations, provincial projects and individual donations too.

Dr Whiting says getting the message out about what they do is important as well.

She says their public awareness is increasing and that’s a key benefit to their fundraising efforts.