United WayYouth between the ages of 20-35 who are looking to get involved more in their community may be interested in the Young Leaders on Board Program.

It’s being offered by the United Way of Sudbury and Nipissing and Community Initiatives Manager Linda Dupuis says it’s a great way to learn how to be a leader. She says the youth will attend online training once a month as well as participate as an intern for a local non-profit board.

Dupuis says they are also looking for interested boards to bring the interns aboard. She says for businesses, this is a great recruitment tool because they will have young people who are trained to be an effective leader.

Dupuis adds it’s not always an easy task to get volunteers and this way someone is committed to a program for six months.

Deadline for applications are September 30th which is this Wednesday. Contact the United Way of Sudbury and Nipissing for more information, or head to www.unitedwaysudbury.com.