water tap About a quarter of Council Chambers was full last night (Monday) with residents who wanted to hear or make presentations to the Water Meter Rates Committee.

There were several who had questions about the costs and one resident stated the higher prices are going to scare people on a fixed income.

They said “I know council has to do what they have to do, but like we said we can’t sell our homes; people don’t want to move to North Bay. The taxes are too high and now the water is too much.”

However, there were other residents who said the committee actually did a good job with a tough situation, and is encourages others to get onto the web portal.

One resident says “not even half the residents in this city bothered to take the time, just five minutes, to check the portal and see what their cost will be. It’s easy to complain if you don’t bother to ee what the truth is.

There will be another meeting tomorrow (Wednesday) where the committee will look at and review the questions and concerns raised during those public presentations.