vote Advance Poll voting is up across the country and Nipissing-Temiskaming is reflecting that trend.

So says the local returning officer Jim Mallory.

He says the four days of voting during a long weekend gave people the time to vote.

Mallory says there were some issues on the first day on Friday because the turnout was heavier than expected but actually it stayed busy throughout the 4 day period.

Elections Canada indicates 3.6 Million people voted over the 4 day period across the country and that represents a 71% increase from last time when there were 3 advance poll voting days.

Mallory says exact local numbers won’t be revealed until after the final election day voters list is compiled as they have to strike the voters who cast ballots in the advance polls off the election day list.

Mallory says there were many reasons for the improved numbers including students being home for Thanksgiving, people voting before they went away for the long weekend, people had some time this weekend with the extra day off work and this may also show a strong interest in the election.