irrp seniors reportMaking sure healthcare is available for seniors, support for caregivers, the provinces agreeing on minimal service standards, health literacy and more.

Those are just some of the topics covered in a new report that calls on the Government of Canada to take the lead on a national seniors strategy.

The report comes from the Institute for Research on Public Policy Task Force on Aging.

President and CEO of YMCA Canada Scott Haldane (pictured right) says while the federal parties have touched on the issue, more discussion is needed on the election campaign trail.

“This is not something you can turn the clock back on, so the faster we can address this, the better.”

He goes on to say, “It probably has been understated within the campaign, it is an important issue, an important question for a country’s productivity and for the economy.”

Haldane encourages anyone with an interest in seniors issues to have a look at the report, pointing out it’s not lengthy, it’s about 25 pages.

On the web: Designing a National Seniors Strategy for Canada