North Bay Police

The crime stats for August 2015 have been released by North Bay Police. Deputy Chief Shawn Devine says one thing that stood out was the overall amount of calls the Police Service was responding to.

Police responded to 2658 calls for service in the month; over 150 more than in August 2014. He says that equals about four incidents per hour every day.

Devine says for a police force with just over 90 sworn members – that is a large amount of calls on a daily basis.

Overall, there was an increase of 11 sexual offences in the month, with 22 less assaults.There were four more drug charges laid compared to August 2014.

It was a dangerous month on city roads with 74 motor vehicle accidents in August. North Bay Police responded to those accidents and say 10 involved injuries with 14 people injured.

Devine says the stats show there were almost two accidents per day during August – and that’s something you can’t blame on road conditions.

He says they hope to see a decrease in those numbers especially with students back in school.