Hundreds of people took part in the Rogers Hometown Hockey broadcast Sunday night.
Hundreds of people took part in the Rogers Hometown Hockey broadcast Sunday night.

North Bay was at the centre of the Rogers Hometown Hockey map Sunday night with Ron MacLean and Tara Slone broadcasting live from the civic plaza outside the Discovery North Bay Museum.

Hundreds of people took in the live broadcast, cheering loudly each time they were on camera. 

Former Centennial and NHLer Nick Kypreos was a part of the show too.

He says he’s been a broadcaster for 18 years now and one of the highlights was bringing his parents up to North Bay for a Hometown Hockey feature.  

He says it was great to be back.

Kypreos is referring to Peter McKeown in that clip.  

Other features included one on former Battalion star Nick Paul and his Points for Paul initiative, Tara Slone went fishing with Larry Keenan, there was a feature on Minnesota Wild coach Mike Yeo and more.

Battalion coach and director of hockey operations Stan Butler was interviewed live during the broadcast as was Kypreos (pictured below).

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