Grand opening(File photo) North Bay’s Mayor says a new study on the top places in Canada to start and grow businesses doesn’t reflect what’s actually going on locally.

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business report examines how 121 Canadian cities and regions foster entrepreneurship.

They’re given a grade based on 14 specific indicators covering three main categories: presence, perspective, and policy.

North Bay’s score is 43.8, good for 2nd last.

Mayor Al McDonald says the reality is the Chamber is the third largest in the province and the economy locally is diversified.

He also says there are plenty of supports for large, small and medium sized businesses.

He points to the Economic Development department, the Business Centre and the Chamber of Commerce to name a few.

McDonald also says there’s far too many business openings in the city that the media can’t be at all of them.

Only the city of Montreal had a lower grade than North Bay in the study.