NDA track
Widdifield’s senior girls cross country team

Three NDA teams along with several individual athletes are heading to OFSAA next week after competing in the 2015 NOSSA Cross Country Championship in Sault Ste Marie.

Widdifield‘s senior girls (Alyssa Randall 3rd, Ann-Marie Fredette 10th, Olivia Wolfram 14th, Emily Drenth 27th, Heather Nakanishi and Brooke Walker) won gold, narrowly beating out St Joseph-Scollard Hall (Elaine D’Agostino 7th, Meaghan Kelly 9th, Jileen Kilroy 17th, Emma McArthur 22nd and Claudia Schlosser) by one point.

They’re both heading to OFSAA along with the midget girls at Algonquin (Catherine Heroux 2nd, Katie Bethune 3rd, Josee Enman, Danica Gagnon and Mackenzie McMahone) who placed second in their division.

Also of note, Algonquin’s Megan Cruickshank and Widdifield’s Reuben Du Rand had first place finishes while Erin Hansel and Robynne L’Ami, both from West Ferris, placed 2nd in their divisions. Alyssa Randall from Widdifield had a 3rd place finish.

Other NDA athletes advancing to OFSAA include:
Midget Girls
~ Emma Ringette 6th Widdifield
~ Jillian Gleason 7th Scollard
~ Jenna Faulkner 8th West Ferris

Midget Boys
~ Keon Wallingford 4th Widdifield

Junior Girls
~ Sophie Laperriere 7th Algonquin

Junior Boys
~ Ryan Venditti 6th SJSH

Senior Boys
~ Adriaan Vandermeer 5th Chippewa

For more results: http://nossa.rainbowschools.ca/Pages/xcresult15.pdf