Vic QP sept 2015The provinces Minister of Finance and the PC Finance critic debated the financial impact of the proposed sale of 60 per cent of Hydro One, as the government has said it is going to do.

The Financial Accountability Officer released a report saying the province would see a 15-per-cent improvement in its budget in the first year after an initial sale, but will ultimately be negative once the sale is complete.

Minister of Finance Charles Sousa was asked about that by the PC Finance critic Vic Fedeli.

He called on Sousa to immediately stop what he calls the fire sale of Hydro One.

Fedeli believes the government will sell 60 per cent of Hydro One so the books look good come next provincial election.  But ,in reality he says according to the report the finances will go downhill from there.

Sousa says Fedeli comes from the party that at one time was willing to sell all of Hydro One.

The Minister of Finance said the Financial Accountability Officer makes it clear the government is reducing debt and it is retaining money to reinvest to produce more assets.

He says information on the assets wasn’t included in the report.