Nip strike Students concerns were not put ahead of those at the table; that’s how many students feel according to Ian Hall – as Nipissing full-time faculty went on strike early Monday morning.

Hall is the President of the Nipissing Student Union and he says they are frustrated at both parties who couldn’t come to an agreement.

He adds even though they don’t have a seat at the table, they can still have a presence during negotiations.

He says if both sides know the students want to be there to learn, and the students are the ones who will suffer if no deal is reached in a timely manner.

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Hall says they are hoping both sides come back to the table as soon as possible.

He says they have been trying their best to transmit what they have heard to students from the faculty, and vice-versa.




Hall says it feels like the students concerns were not put ahead of those at the table.

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He adds students are raising concerns about their semester being cancelled or how OSAP would work.