buildingBetter than expected and outpacing last year. That’s the story behind the city’s building permits so far in 2015. 

Construction value is just under $65-million dollars, which is $10-million more than officials estimated for this year.

It’s also $24-million more than last year at this time when permits were valued at $41-million.

Mayor Al McDonald says, “Our building permits have remained strong and we saw the upward trend in construction permits hold steady all year, ” 

He goes on to say, “Despite a weak global economy, North Bay has seen an increase over last year.”   

Single family dwelling construction is currently holding at 29 units.

The Commercial class leads the pack, in terms of value, at $26-million.  Residential is next at nearly $22-million, Industrial is at $11-million, Institutional at $5-million and miscellaneous projects are at $680,000.