Coach4FoodCoach4Food will hit a couple of milestones this year, but it’s also the swan song for the man who created it.

Tom Hedican says this will be his final Coach4Food.

He won’t be running any practices after this year, but the program will continue with the top 3 food collecting teams receiving a practice from the North Bay Battalion.

Hedican says he hopes to reach a million pounds of food since they started out a decade ago and already over 600,000 pounds of food have been raised in North Bay.

He says he will leave with plenty of memories from the look on his mother’s face when she saw all the food that was coming in when the program began, to getting the chance to meet his idol Bruce Springsteen.

The program sees the food donated to the North Bay Food Bank and to the Nipissing University food bank too.

Coach4Food has expanded to OHL cities and that will continue.