fall colours There’s still no snow on the ground and people have been taking advantage of the warm fall temperatures by enjoying the outdoors.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry says they want people to take advantage of the weather but be safe while doing it. They have released a fall facts sheet – and Kathryn Lyzun says it includes the do’s and don’ts for hikers, joggers, hunters and more.

Meantime, she says it’s also important to take precautions against Lyme disease. She says it’s still possible this time of year to see ticks which can carry Lyme disease. Lyzun says you should wear closed footwear, tuck your pants into your socks and using bug repellent with DEET.

Lyzun says when returning home you should also do a full body search to make sure you didn’t bring any ticks with you.

They also say the key thing to remember at this time of the year is to be aware of your surroundings and be visible.

Lyzun says your pet should also be wearing a brightly colored collar or coat with bells on so you can hear where they are.

You can go to the MNRF website for more information.