RefugeesIt still remains to be seen if any of the Syrian refugees that are being accepted into Canada will be staying at 22 Wing CFB North Bay.

The Liberal government now plans to have 10,000 refugees in place by the end of next month with the remaining 15,000 being resettled by the end of February, 2016.

Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan says some will be housed temporarily at military bases.

Meantime, when asked by email if 22 Wing CFB North Bay would be involved, Department of National Defence officials in Ottawa replied that “At this point, details still remain to be determined.”

The email goes on to say, “As a matter of prudent planning, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) are currently reviewing accommodations available at bases and wings should the CAF be called upon to provide assistance in that regard.”

Immigration Minister John McCallum says all government screening will take place overseas and then refugees will be flown to Toronto and Montreal and then to locations across Canada.

Fundraising and planning has been taking part locally to sponsor two Syrian families.


(With files from The Canadian Press)

welcome refugees