Healthcare rally2

That was Mayor Al McDonald giving a speech at Lee Park today (Monday).

Hundreds of residents came out to protests the job cuts at the North Bay Regional Health Centre.

McDonald says as both a resident and Mayor he’s supporting the workers who are against the cuts.

He says from a municipal standpoint he is working hard behind the scenes to lobby the province to reverse their decision.

healthcare rally1

Today’s Health Coalition Rally at Lee Park drew hundreds of residents and numerous provincial and national members of workers groups, including the President of CUPE National Mark Hancock.

Hancock says these cuts aren’t being seen across the country, and Ontario is being underfunded.

Hancock says this rally, which was live streamed to Queens Park, should catch the attention of the province.

OPSEU organized the event and Executive Board Member Local 616 Mike Bisaillon says this is an extremely important matter to everyone in North Bay and the surrounding area.

Bisaillon says this issue transcends any other issue because having quality Health Care is key to expanding and growing a city.