FedeliNipissing MPP Vic Fedeli says Wednesday’s Auditor General’s report has exposed the government once again for its failed fiscal and policy planning and management.

He says the Auditor General released several key findings including no detailed plan or timeline for the supporting of development of the Ring of Fire, no consultation with the Ontario Energy Board on the Hydro One Sale and no accountability for the performance of the Local Health Integration Networks.

Fedeli says overall the Auditor General said there is no clear strategy for paying down the debt..

As well, Fedeli says she had several key findings including the fact that the electricity portion of the hydro bills for homes and small businesses has risen 70 per cent in the past 10 years and ratepayers have paid 37 Billion in Global Adjustment Fees and that total will increase by 133 Million more by 2032.

Meantime, PC leader Patrick Brown spoke about how cuts to health care are impacting communities across the north including North Bay.

He says physician service fees, physiotherapy services for seniors and overall health care reductions have all occurred under the current government.

Brown spoke specifically about the loss of 160 jobs at the North Bay Regional Health Centre and the reduction of 30 beds.

He says cuts by the province have affected the quality of patient care in North Bay and across the north. .