Vic QP sept 2015Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli went after the province Tuesday at Queen’s Park over the performance record of the North East Local Health Integration Network.

He pointed out the Auditor General’s annual report last week found the North East LHIN was tied for last among the 14 LHINs, meeting just four of 15 performance targets.

He says the LHIN is, “worst in alternate level of care days, they’re only one of two LHINs not meeting the target of providing cancer surgery within 84 days, and are second worst in the province in wait times for CCAC in-home services,”

Fedeli goes on to say, “The ineptness of the North East LHIN, is nothing new, it’s just sad to see it continues.”

He’s asking the province what the plan is for improving healthcare in Northern Ontario.

The Health Minister says the Auditor has made recommendations when it comes to the LHINs and they’ll be investing in them.