Police cruiser(file photo) Two more incidents of pedestrians being struck by vehicles in the city and both took place about 20 minutes apart yesterday (Wednesday).

North Bay Police say the first incident happened just before 6 pm.

A 63 year old female driver is charged with failing to yield to pedestrian after two teenagers, a male and female, were struck while crossing McKeown Avenue in the crosswalk at McKeown Commons.

They suffered non-life threatening injuries and were taken to hospital.

Meantime, just after 6 pm a 47 year old male driver was also charged with fail to yield to pedestrian after a 39 year old man was allegedly struck within the crosswalk at Algonquin and Norwood.

He suffered minor injuries.


In a release, police say everyone is responsible for keeping our roads safe.

Drivers are reminded to:

  • Always look for pedestrians, especially when turning.
  • Watch for children. Drive slowly and cautiously through school zones, residential areas, or any other area where children could be walking or playing.
  • Be patient, especially with seniors or persons with disabilities who need more time to cross the road.
  • Always be ready to stop for pedestrians making sudden or unexpected moves.
  • Make sure the way is clear before entering or leaving driveways.

Pedestrians are reminded to:

  • Look both ways before you cross the road and only proceed at intersections and within crosswalks.
  • Always respect pedestrian traffic lights.
  • Never cross in the middle of the road, between parked cars or when traffic signals indicate for you to stop.
  • Make sure drivers see you before you cross. If the driver is stopped, make eye contact before you cross to ensure your safety.
  • Watch for traffic turning at intersections or turning into or leaving driveways.
  • Wear bright, light-coloured or reflective clothing, especially at dusk or when it’s dark.


The North Bay Police Service has also received complaints regarding cyclists who are not respecting the rules of the road. Cyclists are reminded that under the Highway Traffic Act, a bicycle is a vehicle.


  • must not ride their bicycle on sidewalks;
  • must have and use a white front light and a red rear light or reflector when riding between one-half hour before sunset and one-half hour after sunrise;
  • must ride on the right-hand side of the road, as close to the right edge of the road as possible;
  • must obey all traffic laws, including stops at stop signs and red lights;
  • must ride only in the designated direction on one-way streets;
  • must have a working bell or horn on their bicycle;
  • must wear a helmet, if under age 18. (Note that although wearing a helmet is not compulsory for adults age 18 and over, the North Bay Police Service recommends that all cyclists wear helmets.)

Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation offers excellent safe cycling guides for adults and young cyclists, including instructions on hand signals.