

MPP Vic Fedeli‘s private members bill, involving the Patch4Patch program, has received Royal Assent at Queen’s Park.

Vic FedeliOn Monday, Bill 33 received third and final reading from the Legislature, meaning the program will be going province-wide.

“I’m so pleased to see that members of the Legislature of all stripes recognized the value and importance of this bill,” said an elated Fedeli earlier this week.

“Since the partners in our community implemented Patch 4 Patch, we’ve gone over a year without a fentanyl-related death in North Bay,” Fedeli said.

“This program is working, and it will save lives across this province and help the most vulnerable people in Ontario.”


During Third Reading debate, Fedeli paid special tribute to Pat Cliche of the North Bay Anti-Drug Strategy, and North Bay Police Detective Constables Brad Reaume & Tom Robertson, who have pioneered the Patch 4 Patch program.

Some sections of the bill are expected to be proclaimed into law within six months.