IMG_20151212_180038Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli is bringing the leader of the Ontario PC party to his constituents throughout northeastern Ontario.


Fedeli and Patrick Brown are embarking on a week long tour that began in North Bay yesterday and will take them all the way up to Dryden. Brown says the goal is to listen to the concerns and needs of the people within the region and bring those comments back to Queens Park.


He says that includes funding cuts to health care, mining and forestry. Meantime, he says the PC’s will be questioning the Liberal government’s priorities in the New Year.


Brown says he doesn’t believe the Liberal’s will meet any of their financial targets.


He says “The financial accountability officer says they are already $3.5 billion off (their target). They are picking the wrong priorities, they can spend $3.5-million on a party in Toronto for the Pan Am Games and yet they can’t provide funding for doctors and nurses in North Bay.”