Dan WebberNorth Bay Police are reporting they have a North Bay man in custody after investigating a call for a domestic dispute yesterday afternoon (Monday).

Detective Sergeant Dan Webber says they can confirm the deceased is 39 year old Shannon Simone Kochie of North Bay and they arrested a male known to her.

Webber says the victim was expected at a family get together on Monday and after attempts to reach her were unsuccessful, members went to the accused residence to check on her well-being.

Two family members announced their presence through the accused’s apartment door and the victim screamed for help.

That’s when 9-1-1 was called and police used force to enter the residence when they arrived.

Upon entering they found a fire had been set on top of the kitchen stove, which was then extinguished.

Police located the accused in an en suite bathroom where he had barricaded himself.

After negotiating attempts with the accused to exit the bathroom were unsuccessful, police breached the bathroom door and the accused surrendered and was arrested.

Paramedics attended to the victim who was located on the floor in the bedroom and they reported to police that she had succumbed to her injuries as a result of being subjected to numerous stab wounds.

The accused has been remanded to the North Bay District Jail.