Vic Fedeli

We continue our series of year end interviews this week with MPP Vic Fedeli.

The big highlight for 2015 for him was the passing of his Private Members Bill involving the Fentanyl Patch4Patch program.

Patch4Patch was developed here in North Bay and is now going province-wide.

Fedeli also enjoyed running for the PC leadership, but withdrew pointing out the writing was on the wall with memberships sold by eventual winner Patrick Brown.

Challenges, meantime, include the sale of Hydro One, with the PC Finance Critic saying revenue is a limited time offer.

Another challenge is Ontario getting back to a proud provincial standing.  

Fedeli refers to charges in the gas plant scandal and Sudbury byelection as a “culture of corruption”.

Locally, he says it’s been a difficult year between the labour dispute at Nipissing, the lockout at the ONTC and job losses at the North Bay Regional Health Centre.

Fedeli says the fight for jobs at the hospital continues.

And there’s work to do over the uncertainty at the ONTC.

Also in 2016, following the success of his six storey wood construction and Patch4Patch bills, Fedeli says he’ll be consulting with constituents to find out what his next Private Members Bill should include.