_20151221_172127If there is more than six inches of snow on top of the West Ferris Arena the building would have to be vacated; so far they haven’t reached that limit says Mark King.

The Chair of Community Services says they have been lucky with the snow accumulation to this point and will continue to monitor the situation.

He says Council could be discussing changes in the near future.

King says within two weeks they are going to receive an engineering report detailing other ways to move forward with this situation.

King adds there is no money allocated to the West Ferris Arena in the 2016 budget.

King adds other issues could surround the foundation of the building and the city has to have a serious look at different options.

He says he wants to be able to have a conversation with officials at the College/University to see if they can create a partnership referring to new builds.

King says there are some tough decisions looming.