workplace-safety-north-largeIf you’re part of a Health and Safety Committee at your workplace you’ll want to check the updates to legislative changes throughout 2016.

Candys Ballanger-Michaud  is the President and CEO with Workplace Safety North and she says  there will be new Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) certification training standards coming out in March.

Ballanger-Michaud says this is a huge change as it affects all Ontario workplaces with 20 or more employees.

This is the first time these standards have been changed by the province since 1996. As well, another thing that stands out is some changes to the WHMIS  program.

Those changes to the federal legislation include Controlled Products now be referred to as Hazardous Products, as well as different hazard classes being introduced.

She says these changes affect almost every workplace in the province.

Ballanger-Michaud adds it’s important to frequently check what’s new and to stay up to date.

The changes are staggered through 2016 and if you’re on a Health and Safety Committee you should go to the Workplace Safety North website to get caught up.