Council picThe 2016 budget has passed by City Council.

The total budget is $150-million including both Operating and Capital. $80-million is paid for by the tax base with the rest coming from non-tax levy revenue.
Budget Chief Sheldon Forgette says this was a long process and the main idea moving forward is focusing their efforts on growing the city.

Chair of Community Services Mark King did not support the budget.

He says he feels council is putting too much money into the capital side.

King and Councillor Mike Anthony were the two councillors who did not vote in favour of the budget.

The tax levy increase is 1.5%.

Chair of Engineering and Works Tanya Vrebosch voted in favour of the budget, but she was against several issues including the city calling in a North Bay Hydro loan.

Vrebosch says unless they come up with a significant increase in revenue or an increase in service cuts they won’t be able to maintain this plan for the budget over the next few years.

Mayor Al McDonald says he feels this is a good budget with savings for the tax payers.