casinoYou can support a local charity while having a fun adult’s night out.

Pascoe Rentals and Events have put together a Carnival Fever night with inflatables, casino style table games, a DJ and more.

All the money raised goes towards the Parents Lending Autistic Youth Support charity.

Owner of Pascoe Rentals and Events Andrea Pascoe says it’s a way to beat the winter blues while helping a local charity.

She says P.L.A.Y.S. is a great group of parents who are looking for different things to do with their children that have autism.

Pascoe says they wanted to find a way to give back to a local organization that is in need of financial support.

Tickets are $35 and the event takes place at the Elks Lodge on February 6th starting at 8pm.

You can call Pascoe Rentals and Events for tickets at 705-493-0074.