DIA logoThe head of Downtown North Bay Jeff Serran says he was glad to hear that someone had been charged with the many counts of mischief  related to graffiti tagging in the city . 

He says graffiti can be art but it can also be vandalism.

Serran  says it all comes down to permission from a property owner to do some graffiti art on the side of a building.

He says there are great examples of graffiti art downtown.

Serran  cites the work done in the walkway from the McIntyre Street Parking Garage through to Main Street on the side of the Deegan Building.

He says they have two current graffiti type projects downtown.

Serran says there is a financial impact for a business owner when he or she doesen’t give permission to do some graffiti on the side of their building because they have to pay to get it removed.

Serran  says on the other hand there are some great examples of graffiti  when there’s co-operation from the business owner.