West Nipissing municipal logoNearly 200-thousand dollars is helping to promote economic development and support tourism in the Sturgeon Falls area.
The FedNor funding was announced on Friday. 
It will help Conseil des Arts de Nipissing Ouest (CANO) hire an artistic director to develop and implement a municipal artistic and cultural strategy.

Specifically, the strategy will look to position West Nipissing as a cultural tourism destination of choice, and help create new economic development opportunities.
Marc Serre, Member of Parliament for Nickel Belt says, “West Nipissing has a thriving cultural and artistic industry. With this investment, CANO will continue to play an important role in positioning West Nipissing for growth and diversification while creating direct spin-off benefits for local businesses, the community and the region.¨ 
Meantime, Marc Lavigne, President of the Board of Directors says, “Thanks to the Government of Canada, CANO continues to contribute to our region’s diversification efforts by integrating an arts and culture sector into West Nipissing’s municipal strategic planning, and by continuing to attract tourists to the region with our high-quality professional and amateur Francophone presentations.¨