Mikayla Cor nthwaite U12
Mikayla Cornthwaite won two gold medals at the U12 Championship

A couple gold medals for North Bay Antoine Ski Racer Mikayla Cornthwaite at the U12 championship in Sault Ste Marie over the weekend.

She won both the U12 panel slalom and the giant slalom.

Tahlia Cornthwaite won bronze in the U10 giant slalom.

image1Several other local ski racers had top 10 finishes.

Here are the submitted results:

The North Bay Antoine Ski Racers competed in the U12 Championships in Sault Ste. Marie over the weekend. A total of 107 athletes from North Bay, Elliot Lake, Timmins, Sudbury and Sault St. Marie took part in a 3 day event that included a skills day, Panel Slalom and Giant Slalom.

Coached by Theresa Sullivan, on Saturday Mikayla Cornthwaite took the Gold medal in the U12 Panel Slalom, with Lauren Paleczny placing 8th and Cheyenne Boissonneault placing 12th.

In the U10 category, Tahlia Cornthwaite placed 5th and Amberley Auger showed her skill and determination on an icy course placing 17th to the cheers of the large crowed assembled at the finish.

In the U8 category, Lauren Moore had a fantastic first run putting her in 5th place but ran into icy conditions on her second run . She still finished the day with a smile on her face and ready to compete on Sunday.

On the Men’s side, our U12 Athletes had a strong showing with Colin Dreany placing 7th, Liam Waque 12th and Issah Wyatt 15th.

Oliver Waque, our lone U10 Athlete placed 13th.

On Sunday our team competed in the Giant Slalom. Mikayla Cornthwaite topped off her golden weekend with a combined time of 1:16:57 which was 13 seconds faster than the second place competitor.  Lauren Paleczny put in a solid effort just out of the reach of her second top 10 finish placing 11th and Cheyenne Boissonneault rounded out the team placing 16th.

In the U10 category Tahlia Cornthwaite, picked up her first podium placing 3rd, and Amberley Auger placed 19th to the delight of the crowd.

In the U8 category Lauren Moore was able to put 2 strong runs together and placed a solid 6th.

Our male athletes finished off the weekend of events in great style with our U12’s Colin Dreany placing 9th , Liam Waque placing 12th and Issaih Wyatt placing 13th.

Oliver Waque battled the course and placed 12th.